Introducing ‘The Volga Ruby’ by Peter Jobes

Isn’t it exciting to get introduced to new authors? A new style, a new thought process and a new way with words. Today, I have the honor and privilege to introduce you to Peter Jobes, the author of the new historical fiction adventure, ‘The Volga Ruby’. Also, he has very graciously agreed to answer some of my very interesting, exciting, fabulous, mind-blowing questions 🙂


As the European Powers indulge in an arms race that will eventually lead to war the rival empires court the favour of Russia, seeking to secure an alliance that will bring Russia into any war on their side. On the domestic front The Tsar is trying to consolidate power after the failed revolution of 1905 and the creation of the Duma, Russia’s first step towards parliamentary democracy. Into this scene enters James Fitzhugh, a British Military Attaché, sent to Russia to work with the Russian military and help smooth the way to a firm treaty. Soon, however, thanks to a few words overheard by a friend, James is plunged into the middle of a world of plot and intrigue while the future of Russia and her treaty with the British hangs in the balance. Set against the grand architecture of early twentieth century St Petersburg The Volga Ruby is an adventure in the old tradition of adventure stories…

Peter Jobes was born in the North East of England in 1983. He graduated from the University of Sunderland in 2004 and has since worked primarily in new media. His interest in reading and European History led him to take up the pen; The Volga Ruby is his first novel.

Welcome Peter.

First and foremost, considering you are a full time software engineer, how long did it take for you to write the book?
Twenty-seven days. This may seem quick, but I actually wrote the book for National Novel Writing Month last year. It keeps you busy for the month, but I really like the idea of it as it forces you to write, where as my previous novels had died before they got off the ground because I would just constantly rewrite the first chapter all the time. Doing it in a month made me finish the whole book. Naturally, after that I went through several times to edit it and make changes, but most of the story is the same.

The Volga Ruby has a very interesting premise. Can you tell us something about it?

The book is centered around an attempt by a group of Cossacks to gain independence from the Russian Empire. The ruby in the title is symbolic to their cause as it was taken by a great Cossack leader from his captive bride as he threw her into the Volga River to cement the loyalty of his men. The main character in the book is an English Attaché who is in St Petersburg to impress the Russians during some important treaty negotiations. When a friend relates an overheard conversation to him he’s plunged into a world of plot and intrigue, committed to ensure the safety of both the treaty and the Tsar.

What made you choose the topic and genre of your book?

I’ve always loved adventures stories, stories that were told not for some deep reason but purely for the love of adventure. I really love old fashioned story telling, I think most mass market fiction now has departed from that. I just wanted to write an adventure like they used to write; I guess that books have moved on and my tastes are stuck in the past, but when the past contains such writers as Stevenson, Buchan, Hope, et al who’d want the present anyway?

Which is the one book you would have loved to call your own? In short which is your favorite book of all times?

That’s such a challenging question; it’d be hard to settle on a single book. I love The Great Gatsby, but at the same time, I’m not sure I’d want my mind to come up with an ending that sad, Fitzgerald was so tragic. I think probably The Code of the Wooster’s by P.G Wodehouse, his prose is just fantastic. I think, because he is so funny, people sometimes overlook how gifted he was as a writer; he has this amazing gift for thinking of the most unlikely metaphors and similies but they work perfectly. Truly a first rate writer.
What do you like to do other than writing?
I like to help orphans and feed the hungry. Okay, so that’s a lie, but it made me sound good, right?
I guess I like the usual kind of things young people do, hanging out with friends, watching movies, I love listening to music, reading and playing sports, particularly soccer and football. I have to say, I think Eli Manning should watch his back because maybe I’ll get bored one day and decide to be a pro-football player.

Finally, can you tell us if you are planning to write a second book as well?

I am indeed, now I have the writing bug. You’ve caught me at an interesting point; I’ve started making notes for the second book which I’ll be starting in a few weeks, but about half an hour ago, I had another idea and now I can’t decide which of the two to write. I can tell you that the second book will be either a Second World War adventure story in occupied Norway or a medieval tale called “Where once there were giants”. Which of the two I write I’ll probably not decide until I start writing.

Thank you so much for your time. I am certainly looking forward to reading your book.

You can buy the book here

7 thoughts on “Introducing ‘The Volga Ruby’ by Peter Jobes

  1. This is very timely! About 1am this morning, on a deserted train traveling across Britain, I finished this book!

    It was a great read – certainly made my journey go a lot quicker!

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